Posts in November 2020

How to move virtual learning forward?

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

According to Clay Hunter, socio-emotional learning and parent support is the key to move virtual learning forward. Hunter is a Curricular Counsel at Gwinnett County Public Schools in USA and from his experience teachers must build trust by understanding children's feelings and burdens during these times.

Since coronavirus appeared, many schools had to close their doors. Teachers had to quickly find new ways to teach children remotely. But it was far from perfect.

"We learned from parents that while they were grateful we continued teaching throughout the spring, they were frustrated with all of the questions their children had, and wanted and needed that teacher to be there with them through that entire journey," Hunter says.

Now, while digital learning has been rethought, the challenge is providing the same level of attention and teaching to all whether in-class on in distance.

Provide seamless in-class and distance learning with Kindiedays Blended Learning based on your curriculum and portfolio.

Communication between families and teachers have become extremely important during this time period, says Hunter. He gives an example: Earlier parents were asking questions like “What time do I need to drop him off tomorrow?” or “What time shall I pick him up?” – parents needed to know about the start and the end of the day.

Now, parents and teachers have to communicate about the course of the entire day – Teachers and families need be on the same page around what time will the Zoom session start where the synchronous learning is going to take place, when will their child then be charged with doing their work independently, and when will breaks and play be allowed.

Bringing routines into the learning is important. That’s one of the biggest things parents have applauded is the teachers’ ability to set routines and help their children understand those routines and abide by them.

In-class teaching vs Distance learning

The biggest opportunity to teach both in-class and distance, is our ability to maximize technology in order to meet the needs of all students. This is where (while it's unfortunate that we are facing COVID-19) a crisis has led to some great opportunities.

There are digital tools that have existed for some time, but only now their full potential comes alive and fully into use.  

How to help children focus on Distance Learning?

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

As preschools and kindergartens are faced with the challenge of providing learning opportunities at a distance, families are called on to be more involved than ever before, particularly for little learners and children with learning challenges and disabilities.

The tips have been adapted from Dr. Linda Carlings article, that you can find from here. Dr. Linda Carling is an Associate Research Scientist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. She specializes in learning engagement and design and is a parent of a child with a disability.

Here are the 10 tips to help children maintain focus and stay engaged during this time of distance learning:

  1. How much time should children spend online for learning?

There are some screen time considerations for children based on their age. As a teacher, you should provide some guideline for what is expected. For young children, interaction and play is the most valuable way of learning.

  1. What type of activities the children enjoy?

For example, do the children work better with synchronous activities where they respond to a live instructor, or in person sitting one-on-one with their parent, grandparent etc? What learning platforms seems to engage children more than others? The answers to these questions can be valuable for you and to your child’s family to help plan for learning experiences that work best.

Download Child's Individual Curriculum template to learn more about the child's interests and needs.

  1. Do children have possibilities to move throughout the day?

Children need to move their bodies frequently throughout the day. Reserve some time for exercise before you plan to start, and children are expected to focus on a distance learning task. Some children can focus on tasks better when standing, holding something in their hands or while sitting on a gym ball.

Is your child using computer in a comfortable and ergonomically correct way?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

In a time when children spend more time in front of computers as they need to study from home, ergonomic and correct sitting posture is more important than ever! Follow the guidelines by Alan Hedge (a Professor of Ergonomics in Cornell University NY, USA) from below and ensure that your child uses a computer in a comfortable and ergonomically correct way and avoids any postural problems.

Neutral sitting posture

  • Good upper body posture (shoulders back but relaxed—not slumping forward over the keyboard, desk or gadget)
  • Back supported by chair (sitting back in chair with back 90° angle and well supported)
  • Chair seat should not compress behind the knees
  • Feet firmly on a surface for support (floor/footrest)
  • Head balanced on neck (not tilted back or too far forwards)
  • Knees at an angle 90° (i.e. angle behind the knees should be open—don't sit with legs tucked under the chair)
  • Upper arms close to body and relaxed
  • Elbow angle 90° (forearm below horizontal)
  • Wrists neutral

Organized desk

  • Bring all the materials your child is using close by, so that he/she does not have to bend or twist to reach something
  • Make sure your child doesn't have to twist her or his head unnecessarily

How Distance Learning works with Kindiedays?

How to organize remote learning safely and for free?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Use of new technology is a prerequisite to implement remote learning and to stay connected with the families.

Using the same secure technology both for in-class learning and remote learning enables a flexible transition from one method to the other whenever needed. This is a great advantage for children’s ongoing learning journey.

Whether the children learn in-class or at home, the teacher should offer all children equal opportunities to learn all the same things.

How Remote Learning with Kindiedays works?

Online sessions

  1. Teacher plans circle time / lessons / teacher-led activities as usual
  2. Teacher invites the children to the Online session by sending a Kindiedays event invitation to the family. Families can either join or decline.
  3. Teacher arranges the Online session via Zoom or Google Meet. The whole family is invited, or parents should at least stay close by to support their children.