PISA results: Mathematics and reading skills challenging
According to the newest PISA results, student performance in mathematics and reading fell across OECD countries. PISA 2022 is an international test of reading, math, and science administered in 81 countries and education systems to track how 15-year-old students apply their knowledge as they near the end of K-12 and enter postsecondary education or the workforce. The results also show how their academic performance compares to their peers globally.
What explains the declining PISA results? Covid surely has had an impact, but it cannot be the whole truth. It should also be remembered that PISA measures only certain aspects of learning at a certain age.
What should schools and teachers do differently to get students to learn 21st-century skills in a modern and holistic way? What should parents and homes maybe do differently? How should children and youth change their actions at home and school?
Read further and see how investments in education (financial, pedagogical, human, material, and time resources) are related to student performance, well-being, and equality in education.
The following tips can be converted and used already in early childhood education
The earlier children get oriented with great and stable learning environments and goal-oriented learning habits, the better children prosper in early childhood education, elementary school, and further than that.
How to support children's learning holistically?
According to OECD supporting students in and beyond the classroom is key.