An amazing activity bank for learning colors

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Colors are one of the most interesting things for children to learn about!

In this post, you can find many inspiring online resources for teachers and engaging activity ideas for children that teach for example about colors and color mixing.

Here you can find a truly awesome summary of a ColorCurriculum about teaching colors by PEEP and the Big Wide World. Each week has a different theme (connected to colors) and a versatile plan for circle time and learning activities!

  1. Week: Exploring the shades of color
  2. Week: Mixing colors
  3. Week: Exploring color and light


The page by PEEP and the Big Wide World is absolutely great and gives teachers an amazing package about teaching colors (and other things in addition to that). Each activity has its materials, key science concepts, directions, topics to discuss, and instructions on how to run the activity. Each activity also has an estimated time frame as well as a possibility to print the plan out.

You as a teacher can follow the whole curriculum and have all the activities ready for three weeks, or choose the most interesting ones!

There is also a possibility to try Stand-alone activities if you are in need of a single activity related to colors only.

In case you are looking for online videos to boost up the lessons, below is a list of videos that teach children about color names and color mixing in a fun way!

  1. Learn colors via online story time


2. Learn colors from an animated read aloud


3. Learn colors from a song


Also, Kindiedays has a bank of online resources for you to use freely! Choose your favorites from below:

Have a colorful day!