Group curriculum makes sense for everybody!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Group curriculum has several important themes that help your planning process during COVID-19 times. During these times it is crucial for example to draw a backup plan for exceptional situations together with your team.

Group Curriculum is a tool to assess children's learning and overall educational work with your team and support the process of pedagogical planning.

Get your NEW Group Curriculum template from Kindiedays!

Group Curriculum is drafted in the beginning of the academic year, but it can and should be assessed and modified regularly with the staff. The Group Curriculum includes information about the specific children of the group, so each plan is valid only for one academic year.

Group curriculum should include information about the group's working methods, educators’ strengths and individual qualities of the children.

With your team, discuss for example the following areas:

  • Description of the group of children
  • Description of the educators and their strengths
  • Description of the educators’ duties and responsibilities
  • Learning areas that are available for the group
  • Values and rules of the group
  • Description of child observation and documentation methods
  • Description of working methods in exceptional situations

It is a good idea to include a summary of each Child’s Individual ECEC Plans in the Group Curriculum as well, for example in a form of a simple table. The table should be filled based on the children's strengths, interests and needs for support. In a form of a table, educators can see all the information clearly when planning and evaluating the group’s activities, learning methods and themes.

Get your FREE Group Curriculum template now from Kindiedays and let your group of children reach their best this year!

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