How to collaborate with families?

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Co-operating with a child's family is one the most important matters in early childhood education. Parents know their child best, therefore their input, knowledge and views concerning their child are crucial. Both educators and the family are interested in the best of the child, so you are on the same boat.

Especially when the child is starting his journey in early childhood education, family's insight is priceless. Family can give educators important knowledge, for example about the child's interests, acquired skills, fears and routines. In the beginning it is good to ask the family to fill a Child Resume so that you get all those meaningful pieces of information that may help you a lot during the child's adjustment time.

Download free Kindiedays Child Resume template →

When the child is starting in early childhood education, also families are desperate for information how everything is going. Then it is good to have a clear system how educators inform families efficiently and without spending too much time on writing notes, messages and emails. Keep in mind that every photo or video of the child's day will delight the parents minds!

It is good to sit down every now and then with the family and have a meeting concerning the child's development. During the meeting, educator and family can fill an Individual Curriculum for the child. The curriulum includes the most important learning objectives for the child and description of support needs among other valid information. The curriculum gets re-assessed in another meeting, during the next term, for example.

Download free Kindiedays Child's Individual Curriculum template →

Nowadays working parents might be busy and connecting with them can be challenging at times. Families tend to forget to return the consent forms, reply to event invitations, inform about absences etc. When they pick up their child, they might also forget to ask meaningful information from the educators, such as: "What was for lunch?", "Did he have a nap?" or "What was today's activity?".

Therefore, the ways of keeping in touch and sharing information play a major role in fluent collaboration with the families. It is good to assess your ways of communication and think if they serve all parties in the best way possible. In case some parts are lacking, you need to assess ways to do it better, so that both educators and families stay up-to-date. You can think of situations like:

  • How do we share photos of the children to the families?
  • How do we inform the families about the child's important learning moments?
  • How do we inform families how the children ate?
  • How do we keep track on children's attendances and absences?
  • How do we inform families about important events?
  • How can families contact us?

Lack of time is a challenge in childcare centers all over the world and therefore digital solutions help a lot with daily collaboration. With a digital solution such as Kindiedays, you can manage daily routines quickly and safely, so that children grow up in a secure and well managed environment. No need to hassle with pen and paper anymore. Educators save time and families find all the important information in one place.

Learn more and order your free Collaboration Trial →



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