How to teach children numbers - remotely?

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Teaching mathematical skills to children is an important part of the curriculum. Each teacher on Earth must have ideas how to teach numbers and counting to their group of children, but this term it all might have to be done remotely.

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Learningmole in Youtube offers great videos for teaching mathematical skills for children. The videos are originally made for home schooling and they are perfect for remote teaching as well. In case in-school teaching is possible, these videos give you loads of ideas how to get children interested in number related activities at school too!

First of all, it is a good idea to teach children how to count, for example from 1-10. Video ‘Counting to 10 for Preschoolers and Kindergarten Children’ is great for that, as it shows how to count with your fingers. This video can be shown in class or the link can be sent home to families. With the video children also hear the name of the number and see how the number looks like. This develops children's number recognition skills.

After that you can choose an activity for the children that challenges them in a right level. Learningmole has a selection of math activity ideas that use legos as a tool for learning through play. Video ‘Lego Number Games – Counting Games’ offers children fun opportunities for recognizing numbers and counting. Depending on your teaching methods you can do this activity in-class in small groups or send the link of the video home so the same activity can be done also at home. (In case legos are not available, any blocks or even rocks work!)

To support learning, sing rhymes (for example: Five little ducks) and ask children to count outloud in all sorts of situations (for example: how many cucumber slices they have on their plate).

Before you start, take a look at this guide to help you modify the activities to a right age level:

2-3 year olds can count 1-10 and recognize numbers 1-5

3-4 year olds can count 1-20 and recognize numbers 1-10

4-5 year olds can count 1-50 (10-0 backwards) and recognize numbers 1-20

5-6 year olds can count 1-100 (counting by 2s, 5s, 10s) and do simple math

Please keep in mind that this is just a guideline that does not apply for everyone – children should always be learning at their own individual pace.

Happy counting!

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