What type of activities develop multiple learning areas?

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Main ideas for activities should always come from children, but here we show two all time favorites for many children. The activities can easily be modified for your groups' interests. These activities can also evolve over time as children learn more or get interested from a different angle - maintain the activity in the schedule for couple of weeks or until children loose interest.

Activities that have room for children's creativity, ideas and continuous play create more opportunities to practise multiple learning areas.

Do not tidy up instantly but leave it and children will return to it with new ideas the next day. The activity will become a project and with systematic documentation you will notice what children have learnt over time!

Check out these two activities that have learning objectives based on the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education.

What is Finnish ECEC?



The idea behind Storycrafting is to give the opportunity to a child, young person or an adult to talk about their thoughts.

Simply, ask the child to tell a story. Write the storydown exactly as the child tells it. When you get to "the end", read the story aloud in case the child wants to edit some parts.

You can for example ask the child to tell a story a week and you will end up with a lovely story book. When the story is ready, you can draw pictures of different scenes or even make a play out of it! If the child gives a permission, you can read stories outloud to others too.


Verbal expression: I engage in verbal expression + I share thoughts and experiences

Artistic & Cultural expression: I am able to imagine and evoke mental images



Open a shop! You can use a huge cardboard box or make the walls of the shop out of chairs or tables. Then find something stable that works as a counter and places for the items that are for sale. You will also need a bowl or such for money.

Let the child decide what the shop is selling and specialized into: accessories, clothes, food, hats, stickers, pencils...anything that you can find works! Make your own money (out of paper for example) and practice friendly talk between cashier and customer.


Mathematical thinking: I familiarize with mathematics through play + I can identify numbers

Language use skills: I use language in different situations + I speak in turns


PS Creating a child's pedagogical portfolio is a very powerful tool to support learning when used in a right way. Check if Kindiedays Portfolio Learning could be the right solution for your center.