Inspiration and templates for planning!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Early Learning HQ center offers a great variety of planning templates and other resources for educators - all created by experienced early years professionals!

Topics include phonics, numeracy, PSED and forest school planning. There are thousands of resources covering all aspects of the curriculum and many popular early years themes such as dinosaurs, my body, weatherunder the sea and music.

Early Learning HQ center’s main focus is to help create learning environments that educate, engage and inspire. They understand that educators’ time is precious and it can be difficult to find high quality teaching resources.

In conjunction with experienced teachers and early years professionals, Early Learning HQ center has spent thousands of hours creating materials to make teachers’ life that bit easier and being able to focus more energy on inspiring a lifelong journey of learning.

Section EYFS / KS1 planning ideas is submitted by experienced teachers and early years professionals. It includes planning templates and for example short terms plans, book lists, individual activities and games. They cover all areas of learning within the EYFS and can also be adapted for early years settings worldwide.

Kindiedays Free templates supports you in connecting the activities to your daily work.

Have a look at Early Learning HQ & Happy planning!

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